Like all federal departments and agencies, the PMPRB regularly reports to Parliament on its activities and spending.
Under the Patent Act, the PMPRB is required to submit an Annual Report to Parliament that outlines its activities and the results of its analyses of various price trends in the pharmaceutical industry.
The Departmental Results Report, which is usually tabled sometime in the fall, is an account of results achieved against planned performance expectations as set out in the PMPRB's Departmental Plan.
The federal government charges fees that provide recipients with direct benefits beyond those received by the general public. The term “fees” includes user fees and regulatory charges. Section 20 of the Service Fees Act (SFA) requires each Minister to table an individual Fees Report directly with Parliament.
The PMPRB's Financial Statements are an account of spending during the previous fiscal year. Financial statements should be consistent with the information provided in the Departmental Performance Report.
The Main Estimates are part of the federal budget and provide a detailed listing of the resources required by individual departments and agencies for the upcoming fiscal year in order to deliver the programs for which they are responsible.
The Departmental Plan, which is usually tabled around the same time as the federal budget, is an expenditure plan that provides detailed account of the PMPRB's main priorities by strategic outcome, program activities and planned/expected results. The Departmental Plan also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs.
The Future Oriented Financial Statements are intended to serve as a general overview of the PMPRB's financial position and operations. These future-oriented financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis to strengthen accountability, and improve transparency and financial management.
The Quarterly Financial Reports complement other financial information that is currently provided by the Government, such as departmental performance reports and the Public Accounts of Canada. Quarterly financial reporting ensures that parliamentarians and Canadians are provided with enhanced information on Government spending on a timely basis.